A quick some thing

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Even you can be a superparticle

This question? This mixed to the quick, perhaps.

Experimental may have experiment in it, but it's not always an experiment, is it? As one might write experimental fiction or experimental poetry, it can sometimes be less then objective and when an experiment reaches the non-objective state, it loses its science and gains its art. [after-after Note: This little paragraph still doesn't work for us. In fact, it's supremely bad writing and a lackluster figure of waxen body that melts with the first sign of heat (against any argument). While the play between experiment and -al exists, what exists for us here is that experimental writing should push the boundaries of the cognitive psyche. Does this section of the courtship elucidate or mystify the boundaries of one's psyche, that is, the entire thing or complex?]

That idea really isn't very important to us here at Frank Sauce.

In fact, we're not really concerned with the Avant- nor even the Savant-.

Then what is to be concerned about or found important, here?

Oh, a tad bit of this and a tad bit of that, but really simply this courtship revels within ideas and feelings and that something that one can't really fully experience through expression, the knowable unknown known unknowable. Now, how's that for a pitchfork of a premise?

There's always a little bit of blo' 'em in a bloem, ya know?

The context in other historical figures? That seems to be the norm with many on the fringe. I used to joke that I was a sublistist and my art was sublistism. There's still something there, one must agree. Many are still in the crucible of Modernism, however, fighting to find another casting to fit in or perhaps a new foundry all together.

Wouldn't that be nice? A new foundry!

And the new foundry is here in cyberspace and one can begin a Borges dream.

That's right. They are all here, you just might not see them.

Look in and out; you will find them.

Of course, we will only find what you are looking for, even if we may not know what we seek.

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